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PCGS Professional Genealogist Directory

Pima County Genealogy Society provides the following list of professional genealogists as a resource to potential clients. We do not endorse or assume responsibilty for genealgists. This list is provided as a courtesy.

The listing is in alphabetical order by genealogist. Click on the name for contact information and more details about the individual.


Name Business Name Specialties
Ball, Barbara, CG® Copestone Resources, LLC Deed platting, neighborhood reconstruction, spatial anaysis, land records, general genealogical research.  19th century.
Carter, Kathleen KC Genealogy Research & Education DNA, including Unknown Parentage. Coaching/Organization Systems for Genealogists and Family Historians, Experienced Reunion and Event Planner. New England and Canada.
Dyer, Nicole Family Locket Genealogists Civil War, problem solving, writing.
Hessick, Sherri Sherri's Genealogy Solutions, LLC General genealogical research, 18th to 20th century, lineage societies, military, civil war, writing, lecturing, consultation.
Kabinier, Debra Debinier Genealogy American, writing, scanning, organizing, creating family history books, teaching and lecturing
Kersey, Margie, PLCGS GenSleuth American Mid-West
McNelly, Sue KindredPast Emigration & Immigration, Migration, British Military to South Africa, Land and Court Records, Latter-Day Saints (Mormon).
Urman, Amy Nosy Wilma LLC General research, organization, teaching/lecturing, land records, court records, naturalization records, forensic genealogy, probate, and migration. Great Lakes region (Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin), Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Arizona.

Pima County Genealogy Society

 P.O. Box 16421

 Tuscon, Arizona  85732

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